Naast het eigen plan heeft C&R reeds herbouw projecten in Europa ondersteund.
Next to its own ambition, C&R already supports rebuilding projects across Europe.
L' Ebaupinay: one of the last witnesses of the medieval history of the 15th century
Investment and co-ownership
Classified as a historical monument since 1898, the medieval castle of Ebaupinay is a marvel of medieval architecture.
The first mention of Ebaupinay dates back to 1364: it is said to have had a dwelling, which was probably the beginning of the castle that we see today.
At the end of the Hundred Years' War (1337 - 1453), Ebaupinay was reinforced with a fortress with defensive elements built by François de Vendel. The authorization for the construction was given by Charles VII in 1458.
The Ebaupinay was first owned by the Vendel family, then by marriage to the Tusseau family in the middle of the 16th century.
In the first half of the 17th century, Ebaupinay was sold to the Hillerin family but was no longer inhabited. The castle was left abandoned and gradually dismantled.
Then at the end of the 17th century, the castle was sold to the Baron d'argenton of the Châtillon family, the last owner before the French revolution. At that time the value of the surrounding land exceeded the interest in the castle which fell into ruin.
The fortress was sold as a national asset and classified as a historical monument in 1898 on the first list in France.
The castle then passes from owner to owner until the collective buyout orchestrated by Dartagnans in 2018. 11 864 people from 96 different countries have invested themselves around an ambitious human project: to bring the Domaine de l'Ebaupinay back to life. This involves restoring the castle and its surroundings while remaining faithful to the historical reality and using medieval construction techniques.
Dartagnans - Château médiéval de l'Ebaupinay tous co-châtelains

The Ebaupinay rescue and development project is designed as a large medieval building site, as it could have existed 500 years ago. Here co-châtelains, volunteers and visitors are immersed in a fascinating era: the Middle Ages.
Since 2019, Ebaupinay vibrates around this past. The castle lives again thanks to its community, which does everything to save this historic monument.
It first allowed the opening of the castle to the public in record time.
The surroundings of the castle have been made accessible and its domain welcoming, thanks in particular to the 150 volunteer workcamps organized on site.

Becoming a shareholder and co-owner of 'the most magical castle in the world: The Mothe Chandeniers.'
Investment and co-ownership
Located in the famous Loire Valley in France, la Mothe Chandeniers is a singular, mysterious and romantic work. It seems to have come straight out of a fairy tale. Throughout its history, it has known sumptuous glory, abandonment, daring reconstruction, a dramatic fire and astonishing survival.
Ravaged by fire on 13 March 1932, the castle of La Mothe Chandeniers, whose foundations date back to the 13th century, was narrowly saved from total destruction.
Little by little, the castle fell into oblivion, but over the years it has been able to invent a new life where nature and architecture live in perfect symbiosis.
Since 2018, the Mothe Chandeniers community has been doing everything possible to save this historic monument.
First of all, it opened it to the public in record time. The interior of the castle has been made accessible and its grounds welcoming, thanks in particular to the 125 volunteer workcamps organised on the site.
A major restoration programme, in partnership with local companies, also made it possible to welcome more than 40,000 delighted visitors.
La Mothe Chandeniers has also developed its shop in partnership with local craftsmen who have notably created the book and the wine of the château. Finally, young and old alike have experienced magical moments through unifying events such as Halloween, summer guinguettes, ephemeral restaurants, Christmas or the Night of the Castles.

Saveguarding The Castles of Bruzac.
The current ruins were heavily damaged by losing a certain number of cut stones, which weakened the walls, thus causing the risk of collapse. It therefore is urgent to consolidate certain parts of the site in order to safeguard its essentials, and to allow the great number of visitors to discover the site, from the 12th-15th century, in complete safety. And for the revival of it, by organizing various cultural activities, allowing to understand its history and to go back in time of the great families of Périgord and Limousin who occupied it. But also to dive into everyday Middle Ages, sometimes poorly known, with activities around gastronomy, daily life, artistic activities such as calligraphy etc ...
Work has already been undertaken but had to be interrupted due to lack of resources. Main focus lies on: right angle of the entrance porch, retaining wall of the dry ditch of the upper part, consolidation of a wall of the tower of the Upper Castle, release of embankments at the first level of the corner tower of the low castle in order to relieve the vault below.
From the website of D'Artagnans:

History in action! Rebuilding Schaesberg Castle.
Donation and volunteering in reconstruction in the future.
At Schaesberg Castle you get to experience first-hand what you can only admire from a distance at other castles. In the near future you will be able to volunteer and help rebuild the Castle. After visiting Schaesberg Castle you will never look at castles in the same way again.
The ruins of the 16th-century Schaesberg Castle and the contours of the adjoining 17th-century farm, are located in a small valley amid the rolling hills of Landgraaf in the Dutch province of South Limburg. In the coming decades these ruins will be rebuilt using traditional craftsmanship.
From the website of Slot Schaesberg

Adopting the site and ruins of Chateau de Vibrac.
Donation by way of purchase of co-ownership.
For the 3rd year in a row, you can purchase a share of an endangered castle. Set on a unique terroir and fertile soil, this restoration project will revive both the estate's stone and its earth.
From the website of D'Artagnans:

Clearing of the Ruins of Château de Séchilienne
"CARE for Patrimoine and the commune of Séchilienne launch chapter 1 of the Reconquest of the castle. It is necessary to proceed to a complete de-vegetation of the building, now inaccessible, in order to stop the degradation of the castle."
From the website of D'Artagnans: